In the midst of the contemporary art scene in Chelsea, New York, Xanda McCagg has a wonderful studio and gallery space, the Xanda McCagg Project Gallery. In 2014, she invited me to show some of my drawings of figures that were created in Paris over the winter. Read more
These life drawings are an immediate record of the model and of the pose. They differ from figure academies, which are drawn over days and can take up to 20 hours. Read more
Victory of Samothrace
The Winged Victory of Samothrace, also called the Nike of Samothrace, is a 2nd-century BC marble sculpture of the Greek goddess Nike. She is one of the most beautiful statues at the Louvre, and one of their most famous. Read more
Museum Drawings
You can only become a good artist by copying the masters.
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780 -1867)
I draw in museums, studying master works, sometimes over days, to try and absorb and learn what is being revealed to me. This traditional has a venerable history.
“I would wish my portraits to be of the people, not like them. Not having a look of the sitter, being them.”
Lucian Freud (1922 – 2011)
Trying to capture the inner world of a person in a drawing. Is this even possible?
Work is for sale unless in a private collection (PC). Please inquire here.
These drawings are from life, and are created over days. They are coloured pencil and white charcoal on a toned Stonehenge paper, and they are mostly 29cm x 38cm or 11″ x 15″, although some are smaller. Read more